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Obtaining Legal Guardianship When Your Child Turns 18

If your child was very young when diagnosed with a profound disability, you may know no other way than that of providing every necessity for your child.

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Estate Litigation Between Tolkien and Warner Bros Finally Settled

Fans of the Lord of the Rings movies may have reason to rejoice in the days ahead. The estate litigation between the Tolkien family and Warner Bros. studio has finally been settled.

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Family Law Issues Remain for Same-Sex Parents Who Divorce

The U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in 2015 went a long ways toward settling the matter of marriage equality.

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Selection of Trustees May Avoid Trust and Estate Litigation

One of the most important decisions one makes is deciding on an estate plan that best fits one’s needs. If setting up a trust is chosen, then the careful selection of fiduciaries to manage the trust may help offset the possibility of trust and estate litigation.

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Same Sex Divorce May Require More Careful Planning

When the United States Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage was entitled to the same considerations under the constitution as heterosexual marriage, that also included the rights of these couples to dissolve a relationship that is no longer viable.

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Senator Chuck Grassley Wants Project Looked Into for EB-5 Fraud

An estimated 80 percent of foreign investments into real estate development projects here in New York and throughout the country are provided by primarily Chinese investors.

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Concerns Over EB-5 Fraud May Lead to Revisions or Shut Down

Hopeful immigrants have access to different visa programs when they are searching for the best fit for their needs. However, there is one that may either be revised or cancelled over allegations of EB-5 fraud or misuse.

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Don’t Let Your Demise End in Trust and Estate Litigation

The old expression that the only things that cannot be avoided are death and taxes may be rolled into one when it comes to preparing your will and other planning documents.

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A Letter of Final Wishes Might Avoid Trust and Estate Litigation

When New York residents think of estate planning, it is likely that wills, trusts and taxes are the first things that come to mind. Indeed, these documents may even help prevent the possibility of trust and estate litigation.

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